K&N's Cares
K&N's Advisory Service
K&N's Advisory Service, a division of K&N's, provides invaluable service to customers and the industry through the Nation’s widest network of sales, technical and extension service centres.

This division employs the nation’s largest team of veterinarians, nutritionists and highly experienced technical staff, and publishes technical bulletins, brochures, management guides and other advisory literature for customers, and also provides them with practical on-spot technical know-how.

Seminars are organized in all major cities and rural poultry centres where local and foreign experts are invited to address poultry farmers on latest poultry developments.

Free of charge vaccination and de-beaking services are extended to customers, and least-cost feed formulations are also provided to farmers.

Technical training programmes for poultry farmers are regularly organized and training is also imparted for carrying out vaccination and de-beaking.

Through the training process, K&N's has made a significant contribution to Pakistan’s rural development. Tens of thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers have been trained to provide service to industry, and to earn a livelihood for themselves and their families.